Aangezien 2010 het jaar van een grote maatschappelijke omarming van xenofobie bleek, op de valreep nog een mooie korte film, waarin we inwoners van een klein dorp horen reageren op nieuwkomers. Citaat: '...heb je niks aan zulke mensen, dat is toch zo?'
Cindy Moorman maakte in 2005 deze film door interviews af te nemen met de bewoners van het Gelderse dorpje Loo.
'My work explores the relationship between the individual and the group. I grew up in a small, closed community. My experiences with the tension between individuality and collectivity form the basis of my work. Besides from personal experience, I draw my inspiration from the images, sounds, texts and objects which I encounter and collect.This collection consists of registrations of situations where people come together and where the commitment of the group is an important visible or audible element, for instance in local private traditions, rituals and meetings.The strength of the group, the connecting element of the group, the necessity to surrender to this and simultaneously the fragility of the connection are themes that interest me and which I enlarge in my work.'